Our Scripture and Ministry
Our Scripture: The wise also will hear and increase in learning, and
the person of understanding will acquire skill and attain to sound
counsel [so that he may be able to steer his course rightly]. Proverbs
1:5 AMP
Our Mission: To implement the programs and initiatives that are
required to enhance the academic excellence and genius of young people
in Metropolitan area.
Passport To Excellence
Students Ministry Event
Academy of Excellence (Tutorial Assistance)
- Progress Report Recognition
- PSAT/SAT Computerized Training
- Educational Workshops
- Summer Reading Project
- School Supply Drive
- Homework Hotline
- Annual Back-To-School Service
Parents Ministry Event
Progress Report Recognition
- Counseling
- PTA Prayer and Bible Study
- Parrent Hotline
- Recognition Service
- No Child Left Behind Assistance
PTA Prayer and Bible Study
- Teacher Workshops
- Recognition Services
- Curriculum Development
Educational System/Community
- Recognition Services
- PTA Prayer and Bible Study
- Supporters of the Save Our Children Coalition
- No Child Left Behind Assistance
Wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7
Mission Statement
Under the leadership and teachings of Pastor Jefferson, the
College/Education Ministry strives to provide continuous academic
support to our young people in making decisions to attend college,
pursue financial assistance and remain spiritually focused while in
college. It is our goal to inspire, challenge, and motivate our youth to
rigorously strive toward academic excellence and proudly celebrate
their accomplishments.
To provide information and financial assistance to matriculating college students
- To provide leadership and encourage church membership and educational services to the church and wider communities
- To provide professional growth in sharing educational
experiences, multi-leveled leadership abilities and contributions in a
useful, productive Christian manner to students and their families
More Objectives
To assist students toward independent learning strategies, academic excellence and personal enhancement
- To encourage students to strive for high academic achievement
both in school and life by presenting successful role models through
example and mentoring
Additionally, the College/Education Ministry will accommodate and
guide specific interest scholarships from other church ministries, as
well as individuals who would wish to award a student through the
College Ministry.